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Bristol Estate Leaseholders & Tenants Association (BELTA) is a resident led, community CIC wholly managed by a committed team of volunteer tenants & leaseholders working to make life happier & healthier on Bristol Estate.

Through Resident Association meetings, we agree what's important for our community and we work together to achieve that, whether it's improving our recycling and bin collections, developing the allotment, renewing activities & events or opening up new opportunities to benefit our community. Everything is done to benefit residents on Bristol Estate.


view BELTA STRATEGIC PLAN 2021/23 here 

From March through to August 2020, BELTA worked with BH Food Partnership, FareShare, Acorn & East Brighton Food Coop to provide an Emergency Lunch & Food Parcel service from the Community hub. Volunteers from across the estate and city contributed their time and energy to make this happen - on behalf of all residents we thank and recognise your outstanding effort! Our hot lunch distribution ceased at the end of July 2020, the food parcel distribution finished at the end of August 2020 with residents needing further support referred to Brighton & Hove Community Hub which is now the central operation point for all residents requiring support as pandemic restrictions continue. Since Bristol Estate community hub cannot be used by residents for community events, the Trustees approved community kitchen use to FEEDBACK, a food project supported by Brighton & Hove Food Partnerships & FareShare. The project will offer paid internship opportunities to residents, community food events and generate monthly income through rental use to BELTA.


The showcase and volunteer event planned 19th September 2020 was postponed in light of extended restrictions and based on resident feedback where we realised many were unable or not confident to participate in an online event A new event is planned in 2021 which will be organised in light of any future restrictions that might be in place. We believe it will be good for the community to meet the interim Trustee team, Councillors, BHCC Community Engagement, Trust for Developing Communities and  PCSOs. Importantly it will be a time to look at current and proposed projects and work together to build plans around what we feel would benefit Bristol Estate. We'll be discussing proposals like:

  • Plant your Postcode

  • Pocket Parks

  • Transport and active travel e.g: more bike racks and improved bus services

  • Estate visits with your local Councillor. 

  • Tidy up Team

  • Bring and take mini library

  • Lunch Club and pop up cafes with Gleaning network

  • Community allotment

  • Community Art Studio

  • Community annual Arts & Crafts programme

  • Training & Learning opportunities

We are an inclusive community organisation, we are neighbours as well as volunteers, everyone is treated with fairness and respect. Everyone is welcome to join the volunteer team and get involved

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life on Bristol Estate and make it a happier, healthier place to live. We aim to meet the needs of our community by providing quality activities, services and green spaces that contribute to the physical, emotional and social well-being of our community.

Our Mission

Our Vision

A vibrant, happy, cooperative, community where we treat each other with respect, compassion and dignity. Our community will help friendships thrive, provide economic, social, environmental and creative opportunities that improve our health and well being

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