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Bristol Estate Community Orchard Planting locations. Share your views

Brighton Permaculture Trust plan to plant a small orchard on the Bristol Estate in early 2023. We'd like to hear your views about the location by the 6th January.


Brighton Permaculture Trust explain, Bristol Estate is very exposed and orchard trees can be fussy to get established! We’ve picked the most sheltered spot on the estate where trees are wanted and chosen species that will thrive on the site.

The space should allow 6 trees to be added.Using an existing group of trees, we suggest adding tough damsons, cherries or cherry plums to create a ‘windbreak’ to 2 apples planted beside the path at the end of Chadbourn Close.

The area is crossed by a sewer, water pipes and other services, so it’s been difficult to place the 2 apples anywhere else. The orchard trees will not get huge, particularly with the weather conditions on the site, and we can choose varieties which don’t get too big so light and views aren’t blocked. After a few years the trees will provide free food to the community, and as trees mature provide a shady spot to sit in and admire the increased wildlife!

We welcome support with planting the orchard and to hear any concerns about these suggested locations for the trees.

Community Orchard Team - Brighton Permaculture Trust

Over to you. Please tell us what you think about the proposed locations. You can comment on the page below, share your views on Facebook or email us:

Best wishes

BELTA Trustees

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